– Explore non-formal education methods to teach and act on sustainability

– Support wanna-be and new entrepreneurs to embrace the transition to green, digital, and socially responsible businesses

Entrepreneurs ACT

Entrepreneurs ACT Initiative aims to enable wanna-be and new entrepreneurs from Romania and Greece to become true agents of change for green, digital, and socially responsible transition of the business sector.

With a new mindset, new sustainability competencies and new teaching methods, educators will enable young entrepreneurs to become agents of change for a smooth transition to a green, digital and socially responsible business sector.

The project is designed for:

Educators – Experts in delivering entrepreneurship education from entrepreneurship centers/ programmes/ hubs, CSOs, accelerators/ incubators;

Entrepreneurs – Wanna-be and new entrepreneurs from Romania and Greece who want to adopt social innovation and transition to a green, digital, and socially responsible business model.


The partnership

The project “Entrepreneurs ACT: European Entrepreneurs – Actors of Change for Transition to Sustainability,” a small-scale partnership in adult education, is implemented by C.School together with partners from Asset Tec in Greece and is funded by the European Union through the #ErasmusPlus program and the National Agency in Romania—ANPCDEFP/Erasmus+RO.